Category: Development Blog

Troubleshooting Angular Dependency Injection Errors

Angular is a popular front-end framework used for developing web applications. One of the key features of Angular is its dependency injection system, which allows for better organization and management of components. However, developers may encounter errors related to dependency injection that can cause issues with their application. In this article, we’ll discuss common dependency injection errors and their solutions. Error 1: No provider for Service This error occurs when Angular cannot find a provider for a service. Providers are…

The Under-Representation of minorities and women in IT jobs.

Although women have made great strides in the workforce and currently make up approximately 47% of the U.S. workforce, they remain largely underrepresented in fields such as engineering, computer sciences, and the physical sciences. Despite a national push to increase students in the math and science fields, a recent study from Change the Equation shows the STEM workforce is no more diverse in 2015 than it was in 2011. Like women, minority workers struggle to gain access to employment within…