Category: Artificial Intelligence

Explainable AI: interpretando modelos de aprendizaje automático en Python con LIME

Explainable AI: interpretando modelos de aprendizaje automático en Python con LIME El Explainable AI (XAI) es un enfoque de aprendizaje automático que permite la interpretación y explicación de cómo un modelo toma decisiones. Esto es importante en casos en los que el proceso de toma de decisiones del modelo debe ser transparente o explicado a los humanos, como en el diagnóstico médico, la previsión financiera y la toma de decisiones legales. Las técnicas XAI pueden ayudar a aumentar la confianza…

Explainable AI: Interpreting Machine Learning Models in Python using LIME

Explainable AI: Interpreting Machine Learning Models in Python using LIME Explainable AI (XAI) is an approach to machine learning that enables the interpretation and explanation of how a model makes decisions. This is important in cases where the model’s decision-making process needs to be transparent or explainable to humans, such as in medical diagnosis, financial forecasting, and legal decision-making. XAI techniques can help increase trust in machine learning models and improve their usability. Interpreting Machine Learning Models in Python Python…

Transfer Learning: aprovechando modelos pre-entrenados para nuevas tareas en Python (+Keras)

Transfer Learning: aprovechando modelos pre-entrenados para nuevas tareas en Python (+Keras) El Transfer Learning es una técnica en Deep Learning que permite reutilizar un modelo pre-entrenado en una nueva tarea que es similar a la tarea original. El Transfer Learning puede ahorrar tiempo y recursos computacionales al aprovechar el conocimiento adquirido en la tarea original. El modelo pre-entrenado puede ser afinado o utilizado como un extractor de características para la nueva tarea. Uso de modelos pre-entrenados en Keras Keras es…

Transfer Learning: Leveraging Pre-Trained Models for New Tasks in Python (+Keras).

Transfer Learning: Leveraging Pre-Trained Models for New Tasks in Python (+Keras). Transfer Learning is a technique in Deep Learning that enables a pre-trained model to be reused on a new task that is similar to the original task. Transfer Learning can save time and computational resources by leveraging the knowledge gained from the original task. The pre-trained model can be fine-tuned or used as a feature extractor for the new task. Using Pre-Trained Models in Keras Keras is a popular…

Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction in Python

Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction in Python Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning where the model is not provided with labeled data. The model learns the underlying structure and patterns in the data without any specific guidance on what to look for. Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction are two important techniques in unsupervised learning. Clustering Clustering is a technique where the model tries to identify groups in the data based on their similarities. The objective is to group…

Mastering Time Management: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Virtual Assistant for Scheduling and Reminders with Machine Learning (Python + Google Calendar)

Mastering Time Management: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Virtual Assistant for Scheduling and Reminders with Machine Learning (Python + Google Calendar) In today’s fast-paced world, managing time and staying organized is crucial. Virtual assistants have become increasingly popular for handling scheduling, reminders, and other day-to-day tasks. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of developing a virtual assistant for scheduling and reminders using machine learning. We will cover the necessary steps, including data preparation, model selection,…

Part 1: Turning an RC Car into an Autonomous Vehicle (1/5)

Part 1: Turning an RC Car into an Autonomous Vehicle (1/5) Autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving cars, have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their potential to improve transportation efficiency and reduce accidents. In this tutorial, we will explore how to build an autonomous vehicle from an RC car using a Raspberry Pi or Arduino for processing. We will use Python to program the vehicle’s behavior, and we will integrate sensors such as ultrasonic sensors and a…

Election Season is Coming: A guide to social media manipulation with Python.

Election Season is Coming: A guide to social media manipulation with Python. Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is to provide a tutorial on how to use Python and machine learning techniques to analyze social media posts and generate responses that promote a product or political candidate. However, I do not endorse or condone any form of political manipulation or unethical behavior. It is important to note that this script has a variety of legitimate and ethical uses, such as…

Reconocimiento de las emociones humanas con IA. (TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV) (en español)

Reconocimiento de las emociones humanas con IA. (TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV) (en español) La detección de emociones es una tarea de aprendizaje automático que consiste en detectar y clasificar las emociones expresadas por los humanos a través del habla, las expresiones faciales y otras formas de comunicación no verbal. La detección de emociones tiene aplicaciones en campos como la psicología, el marketing y la interacción hombre-computadora. En este tutorial, exploraremos cómo construir un sistema de detección de emociones utilizando Python y…

Recognizing human emotions with AI. (TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV)

Recognizing human emotions with AI. (TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV) Emotion recognition is a machine learning task that involves detecting and classifying emotions expressed by humans through speech, facial expressions, and other forms of non-verbal communication. Emotion recognition has applications in fields such as psychology, marketing, and human-computer interaction. In this tutorial, we will explore how to build an emotion recognition system using Python and machine learning. Step 1: Installing the required libraries The first step is to install the required libraries.…