Speech Recognition with TensorFlow and Keras Libraries in Python. (Yes, like Siri and Alexa)

Speech Recognition with TensorFlow and Keras Libraries in Python. (Yes, like Siri and Alexa)

1*A6Sx4Gu1a_x9mJCjKaIlEw Speech Recognition with TensorFlow and Keras Libraries in Python. (Yes, like Siri and Alexa)

Speech recognition models have a wide range of practical applications. One of the most common uses is in virtual assistants, such as Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Google Assistant. These virtual assistants use speech recognition models to understand and respond to user commands and queries. In addition, speech recognition models are used in call center operations to transcribe customer service calls, in dictation software to transcribe spoken words into text, and in language learning apps to help learners practice their pronunciation. Moreover, speech recognition models are increasingly used in the healthcare industry, where they can be used to transcribe medical notes and patient information, reducing the burden on healthcare professionals and improving patient care.

Sounds pretty cool, right? Here’s how you can get started building one.

Step1. Install the required libraries:

First, you need to install TensorFlow and Keras libraries in Python. You can install them using pip command in the terminal.

Step 2. Import the required libraries:

Once the libraries are installed, you need to import them in your Python script.

Step 3. Load the dataset:

Next, you need to load a dataset of audio recordings and their corresponding transcriptions that you will use to train your model. For this example, we will use the Mozilla Common Voice dataset, which contains thousands of hours of speech data in multiple languages.

Step 4. Define the model:

Once the data is preprocessed, you need to define the architecture of the model. For this example, we will use a recurrent neural network (RNN) with LSTM cells

Step 5. Train the model:

Once the model is defined, you need to train it using the preprocessed data.

Step 6. Evaluate the model:

After training the model, you need to evaluate its performance on the validation set.

Step 7. Test the model:

Once you are satisfied with the model’s performance on the validation set, you can test it on a new set of audio recordings to see how well it generalizes to unseen data.

Step 8. Save the model:

If you want to use the model in a real-world application, you can save it as a file.

Speech recognition models have the potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of a wide range of tasks, and can be a powerful tool for automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. You can learn more about Machine Learning and A.I. by checking out my book: A.I. & Machine Learning by Lyron Foster.

Founder & CEO

Lyron Foster is a Prolific Multinational Serial Entrepreneur, Blogger, Author, IT Trainer, Polyglot Coder, Real Estate Investor and Technologist.

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